Food Security & Livelihood

Building communities where safe food and livelihood are available to everyone

0 %

Unemployment rate

0 M

People are food insecure


3.3 million people in north-west Syria are food insecure according to the 2023 Humanitarian Needs Overview.

Overall, the unemployment rate has increased sharply, with negative consequences on income sources and purchasing power. With their buying power decimated, families are forced to resort to harmful coping mechanisms to meet their food and nutritional needs.

Food Security and Livelihood Strategic Objectives

  • Mitigate food insecurity, combat malnutrition and deliver life-saving aid to all in need.
  • Revive agricultural communities by boosting productive capacity, eliminating poverty and hunger while supporting economic recovery.
  • Empower communities to overcome disaster and crisis through dignified livelihoods opportunities.
  • Transform systems through rehabilitation and activation of agriculture and livestock systems to advance holistic development.


BINAA’s FSL program aims to rebuild livelihood opportunities, strengthen value chains, and foster resilience and sustainability of local economic systems.

The program focuses on:

  • Supporting value chains through income generation activities
  • Providing agriculture and livestock inputs
  • Supporting and restoring local markets
  • Training veterinarians and agronomists to rebuild local systems and capacities

OUR Impact 2022

People reached with FSL Assistance
Families Provided with bread bundles on daily basis
Bread Bundles Distributed.